Wednesday, September 12, 2007


In an admittedly weak attempt to get me blogging again (i.e., typing out a thought or two and then POSTING it: the latter is the task that always escapes me, which is why I have more unfinished drafts than actual posts), Jen tagged me with a challenge: reveal eight fascinating facts about yourself.

Are there even eight fascinating facts about me? I can't be sure, and right this minute, I don't have time to conjure any, real or imagined.

However, I can share with you at least eight scintillating updates about a handful of my favorite bloggers.

And since I keep seeking, and never finding, a juicy chunk of time with which to make the rounds and tell these folks "howdy," I'll let this list multitask as a collective hearty salutation, a linkapalooza to some great reads, and a diversion from self-reflecting and confessing my eight random revelations.

1. Were you already aware that Jen recently relaunched her Sugar website? It's stunning, of course, and so much fun to scan through her galleries to see the luminous faces of some of my very favorite people. Go look for yourself.

2. Speaking of pictures: did you see the self-portrait that Big Mama shared with the blogosphere after her newly straightened teeth were freed from their steely traps?

And were you aware that a wave of pea-green envy subsequently swept said blogosphere? Because we already knew that she was smart and funny, but OH, MY WORD at how beautiful she is. That hair? It's not fair. It's just NOT.

2.b. And... AND!! The girl is technologically savvy, to boot. Long have I labored under the impression that a podcast is what the muppers toss on the floor when I serve them edamame.

But now I know better: it's a hilarious recording of the Mamas, Big and Boo, having an actual conversation and allowing us to eavesdrop. For free. And (this is big) sharing their real and actual names! Check it out.

3. Maybe you were already hip to the news that I, Rodius is now a proud papa. But have you seen pictures of the Thumper? Seriously, my uterus skips a beat just imagining that sweet baby smell. Sigh.

4. Ooh, this is big: my separated-at-birth twin sister Annie has reentered the workforce... doing what, I'm not exactly sure yet. But whatever the details, I just know that she's doing something to make the world a better, shinier place. As if sharing Joe-Henryisms with us weren't enough.

5. In this same vein, the inimitable Tracey R. is pursuing her third (yes, THIRD) master's degree, and the end goal couldn't be more noble: she's realizing her dream to become a pediatric oncology social worker.

I'm rendered speechless when I think about Tracey's massive intellect and giant heart, and the good that will come when she has both of these organs working together to help children and families navigate unimaginably difficult waters.

5.b. If you pause to send out good thoughts, positive energy or prayers to Tracey and the Robinson clan during this exciting, challenging time, I hope you'll do the same for Jenny and her family as they remember their darling Allie this week.

And if you are so moved, you can also contribute to the charity Allie inspired, Heroes for Children.

6. Jenny's best friend (and Jen's trusty sidekick) Debbie got the shock of her life last month when she and her cute husband nodnarB! took an ultrasound peek at their baby-to-be... and saw double. I get goosebumps whenever I think about how our life changed with that news, and I'm just beyond thrilled for them.

7. The only thing that melts my heart faster than a grainy black-and-white snapshot of itty-bitty in-utero twins? Daddy bloggers. And just when I thought the wisners couldn't possibly get any cuter, Buz busts out with a blog of his very own. Swoon.

8. Last, but never least, I want to tell you about a dear friend of mine who's recently begun blogging again. In the past, I've called her PUH, but she's decided that she prefers the three-letter acronym SHA.

I'll respect her wishes and urge you to drop by her blog and share an occasional word of encouragement. Because she's a meek, timid sort of girl who just might be emboldened to find her voice and share a shy opinion or two if only someone will listen.

That's it from me for now. Hopefully I'll soon get into the swing of this newfangled fall schedule and carve out some regular time for Le Blog. Till then, thanks to all three of you who, for whatever reason, haven't entirely given up on me...

Monday, September 10, 2007

HI! koo?

Oh, what? You're sick to death of reading (or better yet: hearing) about my yoga injury?

You can no longer feign even the slightest interest in how the stitches were removed or inserted, or about the bulbous scar that remains in their wake?

You think that if I don't find a new topic of conversation immediately, you might permanently delete me from your blogroll, your bookmarks and your memory?

Well, fine then. I've found a whole new audience to bore! And I've translated my tale into a completely different literary form, 'cause I have mad writing skillz, yo.

That's right: the Girl Who Went to a Yoga Class and Smashed Up Her Face But Good has now been immortalized in the D Magazine FrontBurner Monday Morning Haiku Round-Up.

There's no individiual credit paid to my fellow haikuers, which is probably for the best, but you should be able to recognize my entry pretty easily.

I wonder if the wakeboarder's doctor reassured him that he's not a klutz? Hmmm.