Monday, November 03, 2008


On and off throughout the day, I've considered and rejected any number of ideas for my daily dose of bloggy obligation.

Some ideas are, for the good of all, better off dead (what I ate for lunch today; which came first: the chicken or the egg).

Some ideas may yet see publication before the month is over (what's going on with my right foot; the heretofore unanticipated perils of memes).

But ultimately, the one idea that's captivating me tonight, that's moved and stirred me for the past year, and that will keep firm grasp on my attention for the next sixteen-plus hours, at least, is the presidential election.

Wildly do I vacillate between strutting, giddy confidence that my candidate of choice will easily sweep up the necessary electoral votes to secure victory and residency in the White House... and anxious, hair-chewing fretfulness that things won't go my way.

Tomorrow, I'm sure, I'll feel a heady mix of nervous energy and hope and a desire to do something, anything that feels minimally active and participatory.

The best solution, I find, is to plug in, keep a finger on the pulse. I don't wanna wait until Wednesday morning to read the headlines in the paper; I want to know, minute by minute, what's happening, when, where and why.

To kick things off, I'm downloading a widget from that promises to stream updated return information as it happens.

I'll also drain the battery on my iPhone, I'm sure, by refreshing Twitter at a generally obsessive pace, as well NPR's Election 2008 site.

What about you? What are your preferred resources for election news and numbers? Would you rather fast-forward to Wednesday, or focus your attention on celebrity gossip? Talk to me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be obsessively refreshing msnbc, twitter and cnn to see who can bring me my news the fastest.

I will also have the luxury of being able to stay awake long enough to get the exit interview from the last person who voted in Hawaii.

2:10 PM  

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