Wednesday, March 05, 2008


'Twas not a typical Wednesday night for the mister and missus.

Dinner was about $150. Plus tip, of course. (But scrumptious and hilarious and absolutely fabulous, even though the Robinsons were notably absent and missed.)

Child care ran just shy of $100. Worth every penny, too.

My best attempt at a party-perfect outfit set me back $250.

A cute pedicure was $45.

Shoes that not only covered, but marred, the cute pedicure? $100.

A donation to our charity of choice was $450, which will help purchase half of a laptop for a cancer-stricken child. (The Weintraubs generously footed the bill for the other half, plus some. Okay: a lot. Love them.)

We got into the party for free, because we have friends in high places, but even so, it was a pretty spendy evening for us non-socialite types.

However: we had a blast. It was for an indisputably wonderful cause. And the final tally, while impressive, doesn't even touch the one we incurred the last time we walked through those majestic doors.

Because the last time we were there, six years ago this month, we were celebrating our wedding anniversary. Such a good time was had that night that, nine months later, we were parents.

Tonight, however, I blog.


Blogger anniemcq said...

What a great way to spend an evening! Did you wear that little red number with the matching jacket from Ann Taylor?

6:02 AM  
Blogger Rich Robinson said...

For the record, please let Trey know that I do NOT think he is a retarded, latino woman over 65.

I happen to know he ever so slightly younger than 65, and I'm almost certain that he is not latino. Though I could be wrong about that...

8:43 AM  
Blogger Jenny Scott said...

THANK YOU so much for coming as my guests last night!! I love that you are such easy friends that understand when I have to walk away mid sentence to have a photo taken or talk with a donor. and I loved that you bought me a laptop! That is my favorite program of our organization, so it meant so very much that you supported it in this way.

Red top--gorgeous!! You looked hot!

7:35 PM  
Blogger Weintribe said...

Yes, she was definitely smokin'. and had Trey (and Chuck) not imbibed as much as they did, she might have had a chance at conceiving yet again.

Red is definitely A-Frank's color!

1:29 PM  
Blogger Weintribe said...

via Trey.

Maybe I should be a little more specific.

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so you're saying i shouldn't come up in 9 months?...
good post, awesome cause. i'm bookmarking site.
love ya. i'll be there when you need me.

5:41 PM  

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