Monday, November 05, 2007

One size fits all

Are you having an especially brilliant day? Sky's so blue, you've got to pop open the sunroof, open all the windows in the minivan, and find a zippy road, just so you can feel the wind in your hair?

Or is it an afternoon of the Challenging Sort? Disagreeable children, husband, extended family, presidential administration? Do you need some sweet release for all that pent-up frustration?

Are you truly, madly, deeply in love? Walking on clouds, are you?

Or perhaps, I'm so sorry to suggest, you've recently suffered some cruel heartbreak. Like, you had a wee chocolate craving, but when you peeked into the basket of leftover Halloween candy, only a few sad boxes of Dots remained. Tragic, really.

You know, maybe you just wanna get your groove on as you load the dishwasher and sweep up the mess from morning breakfast.

Then once more, while you're en route to school to fetch the muppers.

And, what the heck: one final spin, via your nifty retractable earphones, as the rest of the house sleeps.

It's my deeply held conviction that, no matter your station in life, mood, place or time: the Gap Band lives to serve as your own personal soundtrack.


Blogger nodnarB! said...

*S* Went to the doc today for another sono. Found out we were having one of each. So thrilled. Then the video reminded me of the moment we found out we were having two. BOOM!!!!

11:54 AM  

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