Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Adjusting to her new role as stay-at-home mother of two (no easy task, that one) and counting down hours until school doors reopen after this very long winter break (ditto), my friend Mimi was having a day of the Challenging sort.

Experienced mothers everywhere are nodding their heads and folding their hands: girl, we've all been there. It's how you respond to those days that makes life interesting. I tend to assume the shape of an ostrich, a possum or possibly a shrieking, hysterical hyena. Mimi, she's a social butterfly.

So she fluttered around and spread the word: I'm going to see a movie tonight. Who's in?

Well, I was. Jen was, too. And so after all of the kids were in bed, we met up and settled into a dark movie theater, armed with chocolate treats, for a late showing of Dreamgirls. My personal guarantee: if you are having a Challenging sort of day, this will cure you. Rousing, fun, moving... the music is amazing, the cast is impressive and the costumes are stunning.

Not even a dash through the cold rain to my car spoiled my good mood after we'd reluctantly left the theater. And when I cranked up the radio while waiting for the heater to warm me up, I was amazed to discover that I could belt out the tunes just like Chaka Khan: I'm every woman; it's all in meeeee....

Hey, a girl can dream.

(Thanks, Mimi. And thanks, Trey, not only for encouraging me to get out of the house, but for making the personal sacrifice to forego watching football so I could record some show on PBS. That's love.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My friend Lisa is exactly like that. Bad day? Well the solution is to get together with girlfriends! She doesn't understand why when I have a bad day, I refuse to answer the phone and retreat into my dark cave. Hey, to each her own!

I've heard Dreamgirls is awesome.

1:27 PM  

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