Sunday, December 31, 2006

C'est moi.

So: Jen. She's the one who lured me into this whole blogging gig, and for this I'm eternally grateful because it's been one of my favorite things in 2006. I tagged along behind her into the blogosphere, and I suppose it's appropriate that I now find myself thieving the list she sent me today.

I also find myself (inadvertently, I swear) copying many of her responses. I always feel a little awkward when we're in the middle of a conversation and I realize that I've exclaimed, "Ohmigod! Me too!" after almost every thing she's said. Sorry, Jen, but it has been fun to find a kindred spirit.

Anyway: here are my answers, on the last day of this year. What are yours?

1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank? A sip of Trey's wine last night.

2. Do you follow college football? With a small degree of fervor, yes. We've just kicked off the countdown: only eight more months till the new season begins!

3. How many miles does your car have on it? 44,000. At least, until we resolve our longstanding mommy-friendly minivan vs. testosterone-fueled SUV debate.

4. Who was the last person to send you a text message? Trey, with the flight information for his last business trip.

5. Last time you went swimming in a pool? July, with the kids at the Y.

6. Are you happy? Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

7. Where was the last place you went shopping? Books-A-Million in Huntsville, Alabama; a feeble eleventh-hour attempt at Christmas shopping.

8. How do you feel about your hair? Frankly, I'm disappointed. I feel that it's not living up to its full potential. Maybe it's still nursing a grudge about that spiral perm in 1988.

9. Where should you be? I should be in Houston today, and I'm really sorry that we're not, but it is good to be home.

10. Last thing you ate? Pizza from Marco's; Trey's request upon returning to the big D.

11. Do you wish you were someplace else right now? Right now, I'm happy to be sitting in our little brick house. Next week, I might pine for a quiet sunlit room with a dune view, but at this moment, I'm satisfied.

14. AIM or MSN? Neither.

17. Who do you like right now? Trey's boss, for giving him an iPod Shuffle that I can't wait to borrow. Or steal. Same diff.

18. Favorite NFL team? I don't have one. I have a fleeting interest in the Titans because of their quarterback, but I've never gotten very excited about pro football.

19. Do you watch the Olympics? Intermittently. Love the pomp and circumstance and enjoy the inspirational stories, but lack the attention span to follow the events with any consistency.

20. Last restaurant you went to? The Purple Cow in Little Rock, Arkansas. Fine dining and a hip crowd. Five milkshake-saturated thumbs up.

21. Who was the last person to call you? Mme. Mulliez

22. What's your sign? Taurus

23. Do you have a favorite number? Since elementary school: 147. Please don't ask me to explain.

24. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donation? Too long since I volunteered my time anywhere; two weeks since I wrote a check to the Shriners.

25. What do you spend the majority of your money on? Food: Whole Foods, Central Market and a thick stack of take-out menus.

26. Where does most of your family live? Texas.

27. Are you an only child or do you have siblings? I'm the oldest of five children that span three marriages and 21 years.

28. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? By my parents: no. By my better half: yes.

30. Got any guilty pleasures? Chocolate anything after everyone's asleep. And continuing my quest to read every last page of the Internet. During waking hours: the massage chair at Whole Foods.

31. Do you drink beer? I might have three sips in a calendar year. I'm pretty sure the last time I drained a longneck was when we were social chairs of the Chicago Texas Exes.

32. Have you ever experienced true love? This day and every day.

33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies? Never.

34. Ever ordered anything online? Sure. Diapers, books, clothes I'll never return.

35. Myspace or facebook? Neither.

36. Do you have T-Mobile? No.

37. What is your favorite class? I utterly adored J312, my first journalism class, which the then-university president opened at my hysterical demand.

38. Smoke weed? I was always petrified that my mom would swoop out of the sky and scream at me if I did. And then when I finally did throw caution to the wind once in college, I couldn't figure out how to inhale, so I just coughed myself silly. Loser.

39. Do you usually fall for the "naughty guys or bible boys"??? How about the nice boys with the dreamy eyes and the great sense of humor who aren't really sure how they feel about organized religion?

40. Were you an outcast in high school? Probably. But I was content in my little clique of yearbook nerds.

41. Last time you saw your parents? My mom: three days ago. My dad: about three months ago.

42. Do you have any talents? I can balance things on my head.

43. Ever been in a wedding? Only two. One forest green velvet-and-satin frock and one fuschia silk ensemble. The first wedding was no fun at all, and the marriage ended in divorce. The second was an absolute blast, and the happy union produced my two beautiful nieces.

44. Do you have any children? See that luminous picture at the top of this page? Our pride and joy.

45. Last movie you watched? A Good Year. Twice. Neither time was by choice.

46. Are you missing anyone at the moment? Family and friends who are too far away. And Chely, who tries mightily to bring some order to our cluttered, dirty house every Wednesday.

47. Did you take a nap today? No. This will be rectified tomorrow.

48. What was your high school mascot? The Vikings. Before that, the Bulldogs. The Mustangs, the Saints and, if memory serves, the Raiders. Six years: five schools.

49. Ever been on a cruise? Yes, for our honeymoon.

50. Favorite vacation spot? So many great choices, but I'll single out Nerja, overlooking the Costa del Sol.

52. Do you have any wealthy friends? I'm not exactly sure how to define that, but I suspect that the answer by most standards is yes.

53. Ever met anyone famous before? A few minor run-ins. Nothing too wow.

54. Favorite actor? No all-around favorite, but I just saw a bit of Broadcast News, before Trey wrestled the remote away from me, and Albert Brooks slays me. Honorable mention goes to Bill Murray in Rushmore.

55. Favorite actress? Emma Thompson in Sense and Sensibility and Howards End.

56. Are you multi-tasking right now? Hmm. I can't remember what I was doing when I started this post two days ago, but I feel confident about answering yes. But right now the kids are napping and I'm enjoying the peace and quiet.

57. Could you handle being in the military? Please. I couldn't even handle being a military dependant. Quarters refused to bounce on my freshly-made bed.

58. Are you hungry or thirsty? Always.

59. Favorite fast food restaurants? I'd say Chipotle if only they had a drive-through. So I'll split my vote between Steak n' Shake and Chick-Fil-A. With a nostalgic nod to Portillo's.

61. What is your average cell phone bill? Not a clue. Bad wife.

Do you own a camera phone? No! I did before I sent my last cell phone swimming at Schlitterbahn, and I miss it more than I thought I would.

63. Ever had to take a sobriety test? No. Not even when I was stopped for unlawful clinging.

64. Do you believe in Karma? Firmly.

65. Can you speak any other languages? Tourist-friendly tidbits of French, Italian and Spanish. And vestiges of high-school Latin.

66. Last time you went to the gym or worked out? Technically, I went to the gym when we joined the Y in June. However, I was fully clothed and it was just part of the facilities tour. And I doubt that an occasional sun salutation counts as a workout, even if I'm left sweaty and breathless by the effort. So, next question...

67. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Oh, gad. I doubt there could be more than a half-dozen pairs scattered around the house, and they're all at least a year old and scuffed beyond being presentable. Note to self: try harder in 2007.

68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use? I'm a Shutterflier.

69. Last place you drove: Marco's, for our pizza dinner.

70. What is your college mascot? Bevo.

71. Ever been to Las Vegas? No. It seems like a place I should visit at least once, but just the idea of it overwhelms me.

72. Do you wear socks when you sleep?? Only rarely, when I remember to slather lotion on my cracked heels.

73. Have you ever bought condoms? Yes. Because the Franklin Six isn't alliterative.

75. What do you think is your best feature? My... wrists? I don't know. I'm working on the whole self-acceptance thing, but it's slow going.

76. Have you ever been gambling? Once, but I failed to see its entertainment value.

77. How old are your parents? Loud-and-proud 60, and approaching 63.

80. Favorite place to be? Hand-in-hand with Trey, anywhere in the world.

81. Ever been to NYC? Only for an afternoon, courtesy of the Cobbs. I'd love to go back.

82. Favorite sit down restaurant? Can't think of a local favorite right now. If I could eat anywhere casual today, it'd be Wishbone in Chicago, across from Harpo Studio. For a finer dine in the Windy City: MK on Franklin St.

83. Ever been to Disneyland? World, yes; Land, no.

84. Do you have a favorite cartoon character? Does Gromit count?

85. Last thing you cooked? I'm sorry: what? Sprechen sie deutsch?

86. Hows the weather? Chilly but clear.

87. Do you e-mail? Not as often as I used to. Hence, this group communique to those who care.

88. Last letter/piece of mail you received besides junk or a bill? Christmas cards, which I adore.

89. Favorite store? Froggies 5 & 10 on Knox Street. I hate, hate, hate shopping for myself.

91. Last voicemail you received? An appeal from the Arboretum to renew our membership.

92. Do you drunk dial? Not anymore, but Spencer routinely makes heavy-breathing calls from my cell phone, which is almost as embarrassing.

93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? See 61.

94. What is the best city in the state that you have lived in? Well, I wish I was in Austin... at the Chili Parlor Bar, drinking mad-dog margaritas and not caring where you are. (No, actually, I'm not Guy Clark, but I do share his love for my college town.)

95. Favorite band? They're freshest in my memory, so I'll say the Dixie Chicks. But I also like Barenaked Ladies, Wilco, Indigo Girls, the John Mayer Trio, the Laurie Berkner Band, Javelin Boot and a whole host of singer-songwriters.

96. Last time you were sick? Last week.

97. Are you bored right now? No, just frustrated that my response time and my computer are both slower than molasses on a winter morning.

98. Last concert? The Chicks. It is so rare that I have a ready answer to this question.

99. Do you watch reality tv? Not unless you count The Daily Show. Which is, by Jon Stewart's proud admission, fake. So, no.

100. What are your plans for tomorrow? We have every intention of cleaning the guest-room closet. We probably won't. We're much more likely to veg around the house in our pajamas, cook a vat of black-eyed peas, watch some football and call Mimi to wish her a happy birthday.

Et vous? Your turn...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

92 made me laugh out loud.

and why is it that your posts don't show up for DAYS?

it's tuesday night, 11pm...this just showed up (I know because I stalk your blog).


9:02 PM  
Blogger mrsf5 said...

Because I started typing my replies on Sunday afternoon, got interrupted by some minor mupper crisis so had to save it as a draft, and continued typing on and off for TWO DAYS. And it's all your fault!

Just kidding, but I do have well over a dozen back-dated drafts about various scintillating topics that I swear I'll get around to finishing and posting one of these days. Because I am convinced that the world is waiting with bated breath to hear my review of the movie "Fur."

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, I was about to haul off on blogspot and rant and rave about the unfair treatment of Franklin5 ("don't you be tryin' to keep my buddy down!")

ah, yes...Fur. The movie that shall forever be known as our first date night...and the worst movie ever.

We need another date. With Wisener. A threesome.

Who's in?

9:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I saw a few of MY answers in this quiz as well, my fellow mommy of 3. Go with the minivan - you won't regret it. And a Chipotle drive through - THAT's good thinking right there. Of course that would probably increase my every 2-3 weeks visit to a weekly visit, but that wouldn't be a bad thing...

When are you and Jen going to roadtrip it to Austin? I even have a stuffed Bevo that Lucy got for Christmas to make you proud...

12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay...that's it


I've been trying to hash out a way to see Tracey while I'm in san antonio in a few weeks for a conference. It ain't happening. me. chuck's car. overnight (or dare I say TWO). Austin. Tracey.

You in?

11:11 PM  

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